Home OutdoorShed How to build double shed doors

How to build double shed doors

by Ovidiu
5 minutes read

This step by step diy article is about how to build double shed doors. After building a large storage shed, you need to take care of the other steps, such as building the door and attaching the trims. If you want to have a proper access to the shed, you should consider building a pair of double doors, as this will provide lots of advantages. On one hand, you will be able to store large items, while on the other hand, it will enhance the look of your construction.

Before starting the actual project, there are a few things you should take care of. First of all, you need to decide the design of the door and whether you want to install double doors or just a plain door. Each alternative comes with its advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose the one that fit your need. Afterwards, you have to measure the size of the door opening and make sure the corners are square.

On the other hand, don’t forget to fit a door stop. Work with attention and with great care, if you want to get a professional result. If the double doors don’t open easily, you should sand the edges a little. Alternatively, you could make each door about 1/8” narrower than in these plans. Use 1 1/4” finish nails to secure the trims into place, otherwise you won’t get a neat look. Install a latch to lock the doors together properly. See all my Premium Plans in the Shop.


Made from this plan




In order to build double shed doors, you needs the following:



  • A – 2 pieces of 1×4 – 74 1/2”, 1 piece of 1×4 – 60″, 1 piece of 1×4 – 57″ DOOR JAMBS
  • B – 2 pieces of 5/8” grooved plywood – 25″x74 1/2” DOOR PANELS
  • C – 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber – 67 1/2”, 2 pieces – 25” long, 1 piece – 18″ long 2xDOOR FRAME
  • E – 4 pieces of shed metal hinges HINGES
  • F – 1 piece of garden shed latch DOOR LATCH





  • One day





Building a double shed door

Building a double shed door

Building a double shed door


Building large doors for your wooden shed is a great idea, as you will have an easy access to it. As you can see in the image, getting the job done in a professional manner, will also help you make a focus point of the backyard.

Smart Tip: Build the frame of the doors out of 2×4 lumber, as the slats are light and strong enough to support the weight of the panels. Insert finish nails trough the trims into the siding, to prevent the wood from splitting.



How to build double shed doors

Installing the door stop

Installing the door stop


First of all you need to install the doors stop. Therefore, you can do this in a straight forward manner, by attaching a 2×2 piece of lumber to the door header, as in the image. If you want to get a professional result, we recommend you to align the strip of wood at both ends, to drill pilot holes and to secure it into place with galvanized screws.

Smart Tip: Make sure the door stop is flush it the wooden header.


Attaching the exterior trims

Attaching the exterior trims


The next step of this project is to build and attach the exterior door trims to the siding. As you can see in the image, you have to build the components out of 1×4 lumber and secure them around the door opening.

Smart Tip: If you want to enhance the look of the shed, make sure the header trim sticks out several inches on both sides. Use 1 1/4” nails to secure the trims into place.


Building the doors

Building the doors


Building the double door is a straight forward job, especially if you use the right plans and carpentry techniques. In order to build the doors, we recommend you to use the piece of siding cut out to make the opening. Cut the piece of plywood in half and attach to it the 1×4 trims.

Use a square to make sure the corners are right angles. The trims should be flush with the edges of the panels, before inserting the 1 1/4” nails.


Attaching the hinges

Attaching the hinges


Fit the shed doors inside the opening and attach them to the construction with metal hinges. As you can see in the image, you need to align the hinges before driving in the screws, otherwise the shed won’t have a symmetrical appearance.

Smart Tip: In addition, you need to install a latch, otherwise you won’t be able to lock the doors properly. If the doors don’t open easily, you might have to sand the edges a little.


Building double shed doors

Building double shed doors


Last but not least, you need to take care the finishing touches. Therefore, we recommend you to fill the holes with wood putty and let it dry out for several hours, before sanding the surface with fine-grit sandpaper.

Smart Tip: Clean the residues with a dry cloth, before applying the primer. Afterwards, paint the double door to the appropriate color, as to match the design of the storage shed.



Thank you for reading our article about how to build double shed doors and we recommend you to check out the rest of our projects. Don’t forget to share our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets. LIKE us on Facebook to be the first that gets our latest updates.

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Jim Wheeler - 9:41 pm

I didn’t see any instructions for the window. Did I miss it?

Jack Sander - 1:02 pm

You have to buy the windows from a home improvement store. Using PVC windows is better than designing something by myself. A 35.5″ x 35.5″ window should fit perfectly to the shed.


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