Home Hunting 5×5 Deer Blind Plans

5×5 Deer Blind Plans

by Ovidiu
5 minutes read

This step by step woodworking project is about free 5×5 deer blind plans. I had several requests on building a 5×5 deer blind, so I decided to create free plans. This deer box frame is made from 2×2 lumber. Remember to take a look over PART 2 of the project so you learn how to build the roof and the door, as well as over the rest of my hunting projects. See my other DIY projects HERE.

We recommend you to invest in the best materials you could afford. Therefore, you should buy weather-resistant lumber, such as pine or cedar. Always take accurate measurements before adjusting the size of the components at the proper size. Drill pilot holes trough the components before inserting the wood screws, to prevent the wood from splitting. See all my Premium Plans in the Shop.



Made from this plan

DIY-Wooden-Deer-Tower DIY-Deer-StandHow-to-build-a-5x5-deer-stand 5x5-Hunting-Blind Building-a-5x5-deer-standBuilding-a-5x5-deer-blind Add-Image



5×5 Deer Blind Plans

Building a 5x5 deer blind

Building a 5×5 deer blind



  • A – 2 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 60″ long, 5 pieces – 57″ long FLOOR FRAME
  • B – 1 piece of 3/4″ plywood – 48″x60″ long, 1 piece – 12″x60″ long FLOOR
  • C – 2 pieces of 2×2 lumber – 60″ long, 4 pieces – 81″ long, 2 pieces – 50″ long, 2 pieces – 29″ long, 2 pieces – 37″ long FRONT WALL
  • D – 2 pieces of 2×2 lumber – 60″ long, 5 pieces – 65 1/4″ long, 2 pieces – 18 1/4″ long, 1 piece – 30 1/4″ long, 1 piece – 13 1/4″ long BACK WALL
  • E – 2 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 57″ long, 2 pieces – 65 1/4″ long, 2 pieces – 54″ long, 2 pieces – 37″ long, 2 pieces – 13 1/4″ long 2xSIDE WALL

  • 22 pieces of 2×2 lumber – 8′
  • 4 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 10′
  • 1 pieces of 3/4″ plywood – 4’x8′
  • 2 1/2″ screws, 3 1/2″ screws, 1 5/8″ screws
  • 4d nails, 16d nails
  • wood filler , wood glue, stain/paint
  • stand brackets


  • Safety gloves, glasses
  • Miter saw, jigsaw
  • Chalk line, tape measure, spirit level, carpentry pencil
  • Drill machinery and drill bits


  • One Day


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How to build a 5×5 deer blind

Building the floor frame

Building the floor frame

The first step of the project is to build the floor frame for the deer blind. Cut the joists from 2×4 lumber at the right dimensions, as shown in the diagram. Drill pilot holes through the rim joists and insert 3 1/2″ screws into the perpendicular joists.

Fitting the floor sheets

Fitting the floor sheets

Attach the 3/4″ plywood sheets to the floor frame of the deer blind. Align the edges flush and insert 1 5/8″ screws, every 8″ along the joists. Leave no gaps between the sheets for a professional result.


Building the wall frames

Front wall - Frame

Front wall – Frame

Continue the outdoor project by assembling the front wall for the deer blind. Cut the plates and the studs from 2×2 lumber, if you want to save money and to build a lightweight structure. Alternatively, you could modify the plans and go for 2×4 lumber. Drill pilot holes through the plates and insert 2 1/2″ screws into the studs. Place the studs every 24″ on center for a professional result. You can adjust the size of the openings to suit your needs.

Back wall - Frame

Back wall – Frame

Assembling the back wall for the deer box is similar to the previous step, except that you have to frame the door opening.

Side walls - Frame

Side walls – Frame

Build the side walls for the deer stand from 2×2 lumber, as well. Drill pilot holes and insert 2 1/2″ screws to lock the components together tightly. Align the edges flush and make sure the corners are square.


Assembling the deer blind structure

Assembling the shed frame

Assembling the shed frame

Fit the wall frames to the floor of the deer blind. Align the edges flush and plumb the walls with a spirit level. Drill pilot holes through the bottom plates and insert 3 1/2″ screws into the floor of the deer box. Moreover, you need to lock the adjacent walls together tightly with 2 1/2″ screws. Drill pilot holes to prevent the wood from splitting.

5x5 Deer Box Plans

5×5 Deer Box Plans

Make sure you check out PART 2 of the project, so you learn how to frame the lean to roof and how to attach the exterior walls to the deer shooting shelter.

5x5 Deer Blind Plans

5×5 Deer Blind Plans

I have designed this simple 5×5 deer box so you can shelter yourself during the hunting season. You can make adjustments to the size and to the shape of the shooting house to suit your needs.

If you want to download the Premium Plans. just click on the GET PDF PLANS button bellow. If you want the free version, just read the blog FAQs.

Smart Tip: Don’t forget to share your projects with me, as I love seeing what you guys are working on. Send me the pics HERE. In addition, take a look over the rest of my DIY projects HERE.



Thank you for reading our project about free 5×5 deer blind plans and I recommend you to check out the rest of the projects. Don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets. SUBSCRIBE to be the first that gets our latest projects.


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Marylee - 2:07 am

Hi, I love your plans, and would love to build this 5×5 blind. Is this a one man blind, or could I get 2 chairs in it?

Jack Sander - 5:11 am

I’m a designer, not a hunter. I was asked to design a 5×5 blind so I did that. I cannot tell you if you can fit 2 chairs inside, as I’ve never hunted myself. If a reader can help, please leave a comment to Marylee.


You can easily fit two hunters in a 4×4 blind so I’m sure this is plant fo room. You could probably get three hunters in here.

Don Breaux - 3:24 pm

This is a perfect size for 1 person, 2 would be way to tight to move around in

Lon G. Johnson - 1:39 pm

you can fit like 75 chairs if they’re really small

Dixie Normous - 1:51 pm

It is more of a 1.5 person blind 6×6 is more effective for a pair of hunters

Jack Sander - 6:52 pm

Yes. Definitely go for the 6×6 deer blind if you want to fit two persons.

Rob Matthews - 10:21 am

these plans are truly amazing.
i would like to suggest an addition.
the 5×5 plan needs a 5′ tall Sled Tower with a 5′ tall stairway.
i can send you pics, please email me…

Richard DeMar - 2:18 pm

Built the front side – suggestion – use 2×3’s instead of 2×2’s on the outside frame to lighten the weight and also in lieu of plywood on the exterior I plan on using wood fencing – used wood be fine or one can pick up some cheaply at Home Depot of Lowes in the 70% off bin.

Jack Sander - 2:22 pm

Thank you for the feedback, Richard. Looking forward to seeing your project. Please take pictures during the built. It will help other diy-ers!

James - 4:51 pm

Any plans on this site for a 6×6?

Jack Sander - 5:22 am Reply
Eric - 12:55 am

Just wondering if the materials list is correct regarding the total number of 2x4s and 2x2s. If not, could someone please help with the correct materials list? Thanks.

Ryan - 5:11 am

The material list is incorrect. The amount of plywood needed is incorrect. Need 5 or 6 sheets of 4×8 plywood. The 2×4 and 2×2 part is also incorrect. I ended up buying all 2″×4″×8′ for the 2×4 list, and you will be short 8 pieces if you do this to the specs shown.

Jack Sander - 9:11 am

You need to combine the material list from PART 1 and PART 2 for the project.

Ryan - 4:04 am

Gotcha. I just got mine all finished and in place at my hunting land. Got it up on legs and all sturdy out of 2×4s. Spent a lot of time getting it perfect. Thanks for the plans. Not a fan of there being 2 parts. Didn’t look at the second parts list thinking it was only the roof. I had plans for a smaller stand, but decided to go big, and I didn’t want to remake the plans. Adjusted the door so all of the windows are the same, put woodframed plexiglass as the windows, made the roof more heavy built (Wisconsin snow gets heavy…), and threw it in the air a couple of feet. Happy with how it turned out. Good luck to everyone in the woods this year. Be safe!

Jack Sander - 11:13 am

Glad to hear you completed the project. I would love to see your project and feature it on the blog. You can send a few pics here: http://howtospecialist.com/give-back/

Louis Calabrese - 2:37 am

Any one have an estimate as to what they spent in material’s building this blind? I’m looking for 2023 materials cost without a tower.


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