Home Playhouse How to build a playground

How to build a playground

by Ovidiu
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This step by step woodworking project is about how to build a playground. Building a wooden playset is one of those projects that will improve the creativity of your kids and keep them busy for many hours in a row. Make sure you pay attention to the safety side of the project, meaning that you should insert all the screws properly and round the corners and sharp edges of the constructions.

Taking into account there are so many plans and designs you could choose from, we recommend you to check out the rest of our projects and select the one that fits your needs, tastes and budget. In addition, don’t forget that you could always adjust the size of the playground. Add several swings and a slide to the construction, if you want to keep your kids entertained for many hours.

Invest in quality lumber if you want to build a durable construction. Ask a handy friend to help you during the project, as it requires many measurements, cuts and alignment. While a person holds the components into place, the other one can drill pilot holes and insert the galvanized screws. Add waterproof glue to the joints, if you want to increase the rigidity of the frame. See all my Premium Plans in the Shop.


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Building a playset

Building a playground

Building a playground



  • A – 2 pieces of 4×4 lumber – 110″, 1 piece – 116 1/2″, 2 pieces – 95″, 1 piece – 48 1/2″ POSTS
  • B – 2 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 63″ long, 2 pieces – 57″ long FRAME
  • B – 4 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 63″ long, 4 pieces – 57″ long FRAME
  • C – 11 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 63″ long DECKING
  • D – 60 pieces of of 2×2 – 37″ long BALUSTERS
  • E – 1 piece of 4×4 lumber – 120″ long, 2 pieces – 24″ long TOP BEAM
  • F – 2 pieces of 4×4 lumber – 110, 1 piece – 30 1/2″, 15 pieces of 2×2 – 23 1/2″,  LADDER  
  • G – rope, 2×8 lumber SWINGS
  • H – waterproof fabric ROOF

  • 6 pieces of 4×4 lumber – 10 ft
  • 4 pieces of 4×4 lumber – 8 ft
  • 4 pieces of 2×2 lumber – 8 ft
  • 6 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 10 ft
  • 6 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 12 ft
  • 20 pieces of 2×2 lumber – 12 ft
  • swing set
  • 2 1/2″ screws
  • 1 1/4″ screws
  • glue, stain
  • wood filler


  • Safety gloves, glasses
  • Miter saw, jigsaw, pocket hole jig
  • Chalk line, tape measure, spirit level, carpentry pencil
  • Drill machinery and drill bits


  • Apply several coats of wood stain to the wooden components
  • Adjust the size of the shelves, according to your needs and tastes


  • One Day




How to build a playground

Buidling the posts

Building the posts


The first step of the woodworking project is to build the frame of the tower. As you can see in the plans, you need to cut the posts at the right size and fit them into place. If you want to create a really rigid structure, you could set the posts into the ground for about 1-2′, but it is not compulsory.


Attaching the floor frame

Attaching the floor frame


After cutting the 4×4 posts, you need to attach the slats to them, using the information from the image. If you want to add value to your project, you could create a simple sandbox to the bottom of the tower, by attaching 2×6 slats. We strongly recommend you to plumb the posts with a spirit level and to check if the corners are right-angled, before continuing the garden project.


Attaching the slats

Attaching the slats


Next, you need to attach the decking posts into place. As you can see in the plans, you need to align the 2×6 slats at both ends and lock them to the framing with 2 1/2″ galvanized screws. Make sure you don’t leave more than 1/4″ between the slats and  don’t forget to notch the slats as to fit around the wooden posts.


Buidling the steps

Building the steps


Attach 2×2 pieces of wood to posts, in order to create simple stairs. It is essenetial to adjust the distance between the steps to the needs of your kids. Use a spirit level to check if they are horizontal, drill pilot holes and insert the screws into the posts.


Attaching the supports

Attaching the supports


The next step of the woodworking project is to attach the supports for the balusters, using the information form the image. Attach 2×3 or 2×4 lumber to the posts, by using screws. Remember that you should adjust the height at which you place the supports to your needs, after checking if they are horizontal with a spirit level.


Attaching the balusters

Attaching the balusters


Attach the 2×2 balusters to the supports, in order to protect the sides of the tower. Leave about 1-2″ between the balusters, align them at both ends and plumb them before drilling pilot holes and inserting 2 1/2″ galvanized screws.


Installing the top beam

Installing the top beam


If you want to create an unique playground, we recommend you to add several swings to the construction. The first step of the addition is to attach the top beam to the frame. As you can see in the image, you need to install braces, as to create a really rigid structure.


Attaching the roof slats

Attaching the roof slats


Attach the 1×4 slats to the top of the posts, in order to support the fabric roof of the tower. We strongly recommend you to cover the structure with textile, as to shade the tower during the hot summer days.


Building the ladder

Building the ladder


Building the opposite side of the swing frame is a straight forward process. Nevertheless, we recommend you to create a structure as the one in the plans, so that your kids could climb it and diversify their activities. We recommend you to dig 2′ deep holes in the ground and to set the posts into concrete, as the swings will tend to unbalance the structure.


How to build a playground

How to build a playground


Last but not least, you should take care of the finishing touches. In order to build a playground with a neat appearance, you have to fill the holes with a good wood filler and smooth the surface with 120-grit sandpaper along the wood grain, after the compound has dried out.

Smart Tip: Apply several coats of stain or paint over the wooden components, in order to protect the components from decay and to enhance their look. 



Thank you for reading our project about how to build a playground and we recommend you to check out the rest of the projects. Don’t forget to share our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets.



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