Home OutdoorShedGable Shed 12×12 Shed Plans

12×12 Shed Plans

by Ovidiu
7 minutes read

This step by step diy woodworking project is about 12×12 shed plans. I have designed this square shed with a gable roof so you can enhance the storage space in your backyard. If you want to organize all your tools and other items in your garden in a professional manner, this storage shed is a great option. Remember that you need to read the local building codes before starting the construction, so you comply with the legal requirements.

Fit the door inside the opening and lock it to the 1×4 jambs with metal hinges. After you check if the door opens properly, you should install the hinges, as well as a strong latch. Work with attention and with great attention, if you want to get the job done as a professional and to prevent costly mistakes. Last but not least, apply a few coats of exterior paint to enhance the look of the shed and to protect the components from decay. See HERE how to build double shed doors. See all my Premium Plans in the Shop.



Made from this plan





Building a 12×12 storage shed

Building a 12x12 shed

Building a 12×12 shed



  • A – 3 pieces of 4×4 lumber – 144″ long SKIDS
  • B – 2 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 144″ long, 10 pieces – 141″long FLOOR FRAME
  • C – 3 pieces of 3/4″ plywood – 48″x96″ long, 3 pieces – 48″x48″ long FLOOR
  • D – 2 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 144″ long, 1 piece – 137″ long, 9 pieces – 81″ long 2xSIDE WALL
  • E – 1 piece of 2×4 lumber – 144″ long, 1 piece – 137″ long, 2 pieces – 32 1/2″ long, 6 pieces – 81″ long, 2 pieces – 75 1/2″ long, 2 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 75″ long FRONT WALL
  • F – 2 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 137″ long, 1 piece – 144″ long, 7 pieces – 81″ long BACK WALL
  • I – 11 pieces of T1-11 – 48″x96″ long, 1 piece – 8 1/2″x48″ long SIDING

  • 12 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 12′
  • 3 pieces of 4×4 lumber – 12′
  • 5 pieces of 3/4″ plywood – 48″x96″
  • 34 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 8′
  • 11 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 12′
  • 3 pieces of 2×6 lumber – 8′
  • 12 pieces of T1-11 – 48″x96″
  • 1 5/8″ screws, 2 1/2″ screws, 3 1/2″ screws
  • 6d nails
  • wood filler , wood glue, stain/paint
  • joist hanger
  • structural nails for ties


  • Safety gloves, glasses
  • Miter saw, jigsaw
  • Chalk line, tape measure, spirit level, carpentry pencil
  • Drill machinery and drill bits


  • One Day



12×12 Shed Plans

Building the floor frame

Building the floor frame

The first step of the project is to build the floor frame for the shed. Therefore, you need to use 2×6 lumber for the joists and then lay them on a level surface. Drill pilot holes through the rim joists and insert 3 1/2″ screws into the perpendicular components. Align the edges flush and make sure the corners are square. Place the joists every 16″ on center for a neat result.

Fitting the skids

Fitting the skids

Select the location for the shed and level it up with attention. Make sure you read the local building codes before selecting the location for the shed. Lay the skids on the ground and then fit the floor frame. Toenail the frame to the skids or you could use rafter ties to connect them together tightly. Make sure the corners of the floor frame are equal for a neat result.

Fitting the floor sheets

Fitting the floor sheets

Fit 3/4″ plywood sheets to the floor frame and align the edges flush. Leave no gaps between the sheets and insert 1 5/8″ screws every 8″ along the joists.


Building the wall frames

Side wall frame

Side wall frame

Continue the project by assembling the side walls for the shed. As you can easily notice in the diagram, you need to cut the components from 2×4 lumber. Drill pilot holes through the plates and insert 3 1/2″ screws into the studs. Place the studs every 24″ on center, for a neat result.

Remember that you can easily adjust the size of the walls to suit your needs.

Back wall - Frame

Back wall – Frame

Assemble the back wall for the shed, using the same techniques described above.

Front wall - frame

Front wall – frame

Framing the front wall is a straight forward process, if you follow the instructions from the diagram. You need to use 2×6 lumber for the double header. Therefore, cut the headers at 75″ and fit a piece of 1/2″ plywood. Insert 2 1/2″ screws so you can lock the double header together tightly. Toenail the double header to the studs. You can adjust the size of the door opening to suit your needs.

Assembling the shed frame

Assembling the shed frame

After assembling the wall frames, you need to lay them to the floor of the shed. Align the edges with attention and plumb them with a spirit level. Drill pilot holes through the bottom plate and insert 3 1/2″ screws into the floor. Moreover, you need to lock the adjacent walls together tightly by using screws. Make sure the corners are square.


Fitting the siding sheets

Back wall - siding

Back wall – siding

Fit T1-11 siding to the back of the shed. Align the sheets to the top plates and then secure them to the framing with 6-8d nails, every 8″. Leave no gaps between the sheets for a professional result.

Front wall - Siding

Front wall – Siding

Fit the T1-11 siding sheets to the front of the shed, as well. As you can easily see in the 12×12 shed plans you have to make a few cuts so the panels fit around the door opening nicely.

Side wall - Siding

Side wall – Siding

Attach the siding sheets to the back of the shed, as well. Align the edges flush and insert the nails every 8″ along the framing.

12x12 shed plans

12×12 shed plans

This storage shed features large double doors placed to the front of the shed. Moreover, this shed is large enough for the needs of a homeowner. You need to take a look over PART 2 and PART 3 of the shed project, so you see how to build the gable roof and how to make the double doors.

Free 12x12 shed plans

Free 12×12 shed plans

If you want to build the gable roof for this 12×12 storage shed, you should check out PART 2 of the project. If you like my project, don’t forget to SHARE it on Facebook and Pinterest.

12x12 shed plans - dimensions

12×12 shed plans – dimensions


12x12 gable shed

12×12 gable shed

If you want to download the plans. just click on the GET PDF PLANS button bellow.

Smart Tip: Don’t forget to share your projects with me, as I love seeing what you guys are working on. Send me the pics HERE. In addition, take a look over the rest of my DIY projects HERE.



Thank you for reading our project about free 12×12 gable shed plans and I recommend you to check out the rest of the projects. Don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets. SUBSCRIBE to be the first that gets our latest projects.


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Barry Davis - 3:57 pm

how and can you attach a 12×12 wood shed to another 12×12 wood shed ? The gables run right to left with the door running on the opposite side that the roof runs. I would like to attach the new storage then remove the door and that wall so i then have a 24×24 and move the door to the new building. But the one wall on the existing shed I would then like to remove. Is this possible and how do you do this.

Jack Sander - 6:39 am

If you join 2 12×12 sheds together, you will have a 12×24 shed and not a 24×24 shed. You need 4 12×12 sheds for a 24×24 shed. That sounds complex what you’re trying to do, and I cannot advise you on internet. I recommend you to talk to a local specialist whom you can give all details.

Carla - 2:44 pm

Why cant you print this info out?

Meghan D - 8:17 pm

I have a prior concrete slab I want to put this shed on – besides not building the floor and getting concrete anchors. Are there any additional things I should do?


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