Home Chair Free Adirondack Chair Plans

Free Adirondack Chair Plans

by Ovidiu
7 minutes read

This diy step by step article is about free adirondack chair plans. In this article, we show you how to build a simple adirondack chair using basic materials and common wood working techniques, making this projects easy for any do it yourself-er. This chair is one of those things that shouldn’t miss from any garden, especially if you have a large patio, deck or pergola. From our own experience, we can say that an adirondack chair is ideal for relaxation or for reading a good book, in the hot summer afternoons.

In order to obtain a neat appearance, there are a few tricks you should know before starting your project. Therefore, you should countersink the head of the screws anytime it’s possible, otherwise we recommend you to toenail the wooden components. The basic idea is that the joints and the screws shouldn’t be visible, therefore you have to apply wood putty over the holes and smooth the surface with medium grit sandpaper.

Align the components properly before securing them with screws, otherwise you won’t get a symmetrical look. It is also important to buy quality lumber, making sure the slats are in a good shape, without cracks, twists or holes. After you build the adirondack chair, it is essential to round the exposed edges with a router and a 1/4” bit, otherwise you could injure yourself in the sharp edges. In addition, use a sander along the wood grain, to obtain a smooth surface. See all my Premium Plans in the Shop.


Made from this plan




In order to build the adirondack chair, you need the following:


  • A – 2 pieces of 1×6 lumber 25-35” long FRONT LEGS
  • B – 2 pieces of 1×6 lumber 47” long CHAIR FRAME
  • C – 4 carriage bolts 3 1/2” long CARRIAGE BOLTS
  • D – 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber 22 1/2” (front) and 24” (back) long BRACES
  • E – 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber 22 1/2” and 29 1/2” long BRACES FOR THE BACK
  • F – 4 pieces of 1×6 lumber 46” long BACK SUPPORT SLATS
  • G – 2 pieces of 1×6 lumber 35” long ARM RESTS
  • H – 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber 5” TRIMS
  • I – 14 pieces of 1×2 lumber 24” long SEAT SUPPORT SLATS
  • J – 2” long screws WOOD SCREWS

  • 5 pieces of 1×6 lumber – 8 ft
  • 4 carriage bolts 3 1/2” long
  • 2 pieces of 1×4 lumber – 10 ft
  • 4 pieces of 1×2 lumber – 8 ft
  • 2 1/2″ screws, 1 5/8″ screws
  • stain, glue, putty


  • Safety gloves, glasses, Miter saw, jig saw
  • Chalk line, tape measure, spirit level, carpentry pencil
  • Drill machinery and drill bits, Router and 1/4” bit


  • Smooth the edges of the wooden boards, with a router
  • Pre-drill holes in the wooden components, before driving in the screws
  • Countersink the head of the screws
  • Align the components before locking them into place
  • Don’t use lumber that is likely to crack or shrink
  • Don’t over-tighten the screws to prevent the wood from splitting


  • One day




Free Adirondack Chair Plans

Adirondack Chair Plans Free

Adirondack Chair Plans Free


Building a simple adirondack chair is a straight forward project, if you use the right plans and woodworking techniques. After you select the plans that best suits your needs and tastes, you have to select the lumber with great care and attention. Therefore, buy redwood, cedar or pine, as they are durable and have a nice appearance.

Smart Tip: Work with great care and attention, making sure you take accurate measurements, before making the cuts, otherwise the wooden components might not fit together properly. Don’t forget to secure the arm rests to the middle brace of the back support, otherwise the whole structure won’t be rigid enough.



Free Plans For Adirondack Chairs

Adirondack chair frame plans

Adirondack chair frame plans


The first step of the woodworking project should be the construction of the chair frame. Therefore, you should use a 1×6 beam and trace the contour, as in the image. Use a jigsaw with a sharp blade and cut the components, making sure the blade goes exactly over the guidance lines.

Smart Tip: After cutting the components, you should smooth their edges, using a sand block and medium-grit sandpaper.


Installing the legs of the chair

Installing the legs of the chair


Afterwards, you have to build the front legs from 1×6 lumber. The size of the front leg could vary from 25 – 35” according to your needs and tastes. Leave about 7” from the ground to the bottom of the chair frame. Next, drill two pilot holes on each side of the chair and insert 3 1/2” carriage bolts.

Smart Tip: Work with great care and attention, making sure you place the screws symmetrically and countersink their heads. Secure the components on a sturdy surface.


Installing the braces

Installing the braces


Next, you have to lock the two sides of the adirondack chair together, by using two 1×4 wooden braces. After you align the components and place them between the chair frame, you should drill pilot holes (to prevent wood from splitting) and insert several 3” screws.

Smart Tip: We recommend you to apply a good wood glue in the holes and along the edges of the braces, before driving in the screws.


Building the back support

Building the back support


Next, you have to build the back support of the chair, from 1×6 lumber and 1×4 braces. In order to obtain a beautiful appearance, you have to round the top of the back support as in the image (use a jigsaw to cut the slats along the guidance line).

The angle of the back support should be of 30º. Place the back panel into place and drive in 3” screws trough the slats in the back brace. In addition, drive in screws trough the brace in the bottom 1×4 support of the panel.


Arm rests chair plans

Arm rests chair plans


After you have locked the back support to the frame of the adirondack chair, you should make the whole structure rigid by installing the arm rests. Therefore, you should build the components from 1×6 lumber and toenail them to the front legs.

Round one end of the arm rest and cut it along the line joining the side of the components and the middle of the opposite end. Use a router and 1/4 bit to smooth the exposed edges of the slats.


Installing the seat slats

Installing the seat slats


Next, you have to build the seat of the chair, using small slats. In order to build the slats, you could either buy 1×2 slats or you could cut them lengthwise from 1×6 beams (you should get three slats from one beam).

Before installing the seat slats into place, you have to drill one pilot hole at both ends, at least 1/2” from the edges. Align the components properly, before inserting the 2 1/2”.


Free adirondack chair plans

Free adirondack chair plans


After you build the adirondack chair, using our free plans, you should finish the wooden surface in a professional manner. Therefore, you should use an orbital sander to smooth the hard edges and the rest of the components.

Smart Tip: In addition, fill the heads of the screws with wood putty and sand it thoroughly when it has hardened enough. Apply several coats of varnish or paint, as you wish.



Free adirondack chair plans


Don’t forget to take a look over my step by step tutorial about how to build this modern adirondack chair. Full instructions HERE.



Thank you for reading our article about free adirondack chair plans and we recommend you to check out the rest of our projects. Don’t forget to share our plans with your friends, by using the social media widgets.

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Bill - 6:03 pm

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