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DIY Double Chair Bench with Table

by Ovidiu
1 minutes read

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I used treated pine and it took about 16 hours. Cost of material around $80.00. Have not stained or sealed the wood yet. But that is next. This is my first wood working project so we had no scrap wood to use. My wife and i enjoyed making this bench for our garden very much. Thanks for a great set of plans. They were perfect! We will be using an English chestnut stain and a urethane varnish wood sealer.

By Johnny



Difficulty Level: Easy 

Estimated Cost: 80 $ 

Time required: Two Days

From Plans: http://howtospecialist.com/outdoor/double-chair-bench-plans/


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Ken - 8:55 am

The link that’s supposed to go to the plans goes to the “How to build a wood shed” page. Where’s the link to the plans?

Jack Sander - 4:30 pm

Done. Thank you for letting me know.


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