Home Outdoor Outdoor Kitchen Plans

Outdoor Kitchen Plans

by Ovidiu
6 minutes read

This article is about free outdoor kitchen plans. Consequently, in this project we will show you dimensions and full details about how to build an outdoor pizza oven. Building an outdoor kitchen with flagstone countertop, storage space for fire woods, a small refrigerator or a grill, is a diy project that can change totally the aspect of your backyard. Moreover, during the hot summers days it is almost a torture to cook food inside your home. On the other hand, just imagine yourself cooking delicious food for your family and friends, under the shade of an old tree, surrounded by grass and beautiful flowers. Also check the Brick Pizza Oven Series for complete DIY instructions on a beautiful project.

First of all, you should make up your mind from the very beginning on the design of the outdoor kitchen plans. There are many option: you can build just a larger table with flagstone countertop, or you can also build a pizza oven, a wood fired cooking stove and a beautiful gazebo. Irrespective of your choice, we strongly recommend you to draw a clear plan before buying raw materials or start digging the foundation.

After you know what you are going to build, you have to set the proper location of the outdoor kitchen. It has to be far away from neighbors windows, inflammable substances, but in the same time close to a water supply and in the vicinity of your house. In addition, you can image that after you have build the outdoor kitchen, your friend will visit you regularly, so you should make sure you have at least 100 ft2/10 m2 free space around it, as to be able to install a table and some chairs. It might seam nothing to you, but trust us, these kind of details make a project to turn out perfect.

You must be prepared to make a substantial investment in this project, as a complete outdoor kitchen (concrete block tables with flagstone counter-top, pizza oven, wood-fired stove and gazebo) has its price. Consequently, from our previous projects, we estimate the total cost around 1000$, provided you work by yourself. If you hire a team of builders, you should expect a double figure. The good news is that if you read our complete guide and the rest of our related articles, you should be able to do it by yourself.



Made from this plan



In order to build an outdoor kitchen, you need the following:


  • Cement blocks, bricks
  • Refractory bricks/fire bricks
  • Fire clay, sand and gravel
  • Flagstone / soapstone
  • Shards of glass, Cement
  • Reinforcement steel bars



  • Buy or rent a power mixer to save you from a hard work
  • Pay attention to concrete recipes as they are essential for a proper job


  • 2-3 weekends depending on the complexity of the project, two persons



Outdoor kitchen free plans

Brick Outdoor Kitchen

Brick Outdoor Kitchen

This outdoor kitchen features a old school design. Use concrete blocks, bricks and concrete to build this rustic project in your backyard. If you follow our instructions, you can get the job done in just a week.

Outdoor kitchen plans

Outdoor kitchen plans

As we have already said, it is important to make a complete plan before starting the construction of the outdoor kitchen. Consequently, you can use as starting point our free plans and ideas, as to customize them according to your needs.

In the image, you can see the outdoor kitchen dimensions and the way it should look in our view, but you can choose any material you consider it would look better or fit the style of your house.

outdoor kitchen free plans

Outdoor kitchen side view

Our outdoor kitchen plans include to two concrete tables, each having storage space under the flagstone countertops. You can use this space for depositing fire woods, a small refrigerator or you can build wooden shelves.

In addition, we consider that an outdoor kitchen isn’t complete without building a wood fired pizza oven. This will enhance the effect of your outside kitchen over your guest, but it will also brighten up your evenings spend with your family.

Outdoor kitchen - Back View

Outdoor kitchen – Back View

This rustic outdoor kitchen will add value to your property. If you want to build a conversation topic and gather all the loved ones in one plans, this outdoor kitchen with pizza oven is an amazing project.

Diy Outdoor Kitchen - Top View

Diy Outdoor Kitchen – Top View

Seen from above, the pizza oven with outdoor stove has a rustic appearance.



Outdoor kitchen design

Outdoor kitchen design

Outdoor kitchen design

On the other hand, if you build a brick pizza oven, it will be a pity not to construct a wood fired stove. You may have not even seen an outdoor stove, but we can assure you will like the taste of the food cooked in a traditional manner. In addition, your kids will love it, especially to watch the smoke coming out of the brick chimney.

But the greatest breathtaking show is offered at night by the fire and embers in the pizza oven.

Outdoor kitchen ideas

Outdoor kitchen ideas

Beside the ideas regarding the outdoor kitchen design, we can give you a couple of suggestions, as to guarantee the success of the project.

First of all, you should look for high quality raw materials: do not buy the cheapest ones or just because they are close to your home. For example, the quality of the bricks plays a significant role on your diy outdoor kitchen. If you select the best ones (without cracks, well burnt) your outdoor kitchen will last for generations, otherwise you may have to rebuild it after a couple of years.

Building an outdoor kitchen

Building an outdoor kitchen

This project can easily be turned into reality, if you have some basic diy skills and follow our in depth tutorial. See a step by step tutorial about building this outdoor kitchen HERE.

Outdoor kitchen pizza oven

Outdoor kitchen with a pizza oven

Last but not least, you can see in the image, the outdoor kitchen from the above plans. In order to show you how to build it from scratch, we have written several articles, in which we describe thoroughly the techniques used, the tools you need and the steps required to build a similar outside kitchen.

Read attentively all our articles and you will learn what it takes to build a diy outdoor kitchen. See a step by step tutorial about building this outdoor kitchen HERE.



Thank you for reading our article about outdoor kitchen free plans, and we suggest you to check out the rest of our outdoor projects. Please share our projects with your friends, by using the social media buttons.

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Doris - 5:46 pm

Where can I buy the cooking surface, oven and doors?

Jack Sander - 4:45 pm

I bought it from a store in a rural area.


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