DIY Project – Shooting Bench
Made this from the plans and went with 2×8’s on top the way a few other folks did (just buy 2 2x8x8’s instead of the plywood). Used a scrap 2X12 for the seat and left the overhang on the back side only for more leg room in the front. Copied another guy’s idea with the trim to stop bullets from rolling off. Rounded a couple corners with a jigsaw and shot the trim with 2” brad nailer and glued that as well. It is heavy, which I like – very stable. So much of an upgrade from the shaky, plastic picnic table I’ve been shooting off of for years! Thank you!
P.s. it was a little low for my liking at 5’11”, but I was planning to place it on some thin cinder blocks anyway – that extra 1.5” of height made it perfect. I’ve built very little, but this is a pretty easy weekend job. Few hours on a Sat, few on Sunday – you can do it! And, I had the screws, so it only cost $69 in lumber!
By Zane