All Materials touching ground were pressure treated lumber. I had trouble getting 20 ft. 4 x 4 stock so I opted for 6 x 6. I tried to lay 4 x 8 sheets parallel to stringers but they just didn’t lay right so I removed them and ran perpendicular which did the trick and felt much more sturdy.
Good thing about screws. the walls went up fairly easily with only one hitch in the plans. the end wall with no opening has a wrong measurement on the plan. plan says 136 1/2 inches and it should be 137. I had to use 1/2 inch ply to fill the space to make square. minor mods made to the plans such as 8 foot opening on the end for a garage door and the side will be 6 foot double door.
A good tip is to do trusses while you have open space on newly built floor and make a jig from cut pieces. Made life much easier. Once I had it covered with T1-11 I used a paint sprayer which was covered twice in less than 2 hours. Trim will be PVC composite boards. Those, shingles and doors go up this weekend. A total of 3 weekends alone.
By Mark E. Meier