Home Garden Simple planter box plans

Simple planter box plans

by Ovidiu
4 minutes read

This step by step diy project is about simple planter box plans free. If you want to learn more about building a basic planter box, pay attention to this project. This planter box is ideal for any front porch or back patio and it is so easy to build, that any diy-er can get the job done in a few hours. Make sure you smooth all the edges and apply a few coats of paint or stain to protect the components.

You should always plan everything from the very beginning, in order to prevent costly mistakes and to save time. In most of the cases, you need a friend to give you a hand when assembling the simple plant stand. Invest in high quality lumber and plywood, as the components will be exposed to bad weather. Protect the components with appropriate paint or stain.

There are a few tips that you should take into account, if you want to get a professional result. Therefore, take accurate measurements and use professional tools when making the cuts or when drilling pilot holes. Align the components at both ends and add waterproof glue to the joints, if you want to create a rigid structure



Simple planter box plans

Building a planter box

Building a planter box



  • A – 8 pieces of 1×3 lumber – 13″ long LEGS
  • B – 4 pieces of 1×6 lumber – 36″ long, 4 pieces – 11″ long FRAMES
  • C – 2 piece of 1×6 lumber – 34 1/2″ long BOTTOM
  • D – 2 pieces of 1×2 lumber – 37 1/2″ long, 2 pieces – 14″ long TRIMS

  • 1 piece of 1×3 lumber – 10 ft
  • 3 pieces of 1×6 lumber – 8 ft
  • 1 piece of 1×2 lumber – 10 ft
  • 40 pieces of 1 1/4″ screws
  • glue, stain / paint


  • Safety gloves, glasses
  • Miter saw, jigsaw
  • Chalk line, tape measure, spirit level, carpentry pencil
  • Drill machinery and drill bits


  • Use a good miter saw to make the angle cuts
  • Drill pilot holes before inserting the screws


  • One Day




How to build a planter box

Building the frames

Building the frames


The first step of the project is to build the frames for the planter box. Cut the 1×6 slats at the right dimensions and drill pocket holes at both ends of the short components. Align the edges with attention and make sure the corners are square before inserting the 1 1/4″ screws, to get a professional result. Add glue to the joints to make sure the structure is rigid.


Attaching the bottom slats

Attaching the bottom slats


Next, you have to fit the 1×6 slats to the bottom of the planter. Drill pocket holes at both ends of the slats and secure them to the frame with 1 1/4″ screws. Drill a few drainage holes through the bottom of the planter.


Assembling the legs

Assembling the legs


Build the legs for the planter out of 1×3 lumber. Drill pocket holes along the common vertical edge of the right component and insert 1 1/4″ screws. Alternatively use 1 1/4″ nails and glue to lock the legs together.


Fitting the legs

Fitting the legs


Attach the legs to the planter, as show in the diagram. Drill pilot holes through frames and insert 1 1/4″ screws into the legs of the planter.


Fitting the top trims

Fitting the top trims


One of the last steps of the woodworking project is to attach the 1×2 trims to the top of the planter. Cut both ends of the trims at 45 degrees and secure them into place using 1 1/4″ brad nails. Make sure you leave no gaps between the components for a professional result.


Simple planter box plans

Simple planter box plans


Last but not least, we recommend you to take care of the finishing touches. In order to get a professional result, fill the holes and the gaps with wood filler and let it dry out for a few hours. Check if there are protruding screws and fix this issue, if necessary.

Smart Tip: Apply a few coats of stain or exterior paint to the components, in order to protect them from decay and water damage. Check out the rest of the planter plans HERE, for more alternatives. 



Thank you for reading our project about simple planter box plans and we recommend you to check out the rest of the projects. Don’t forget to SHARE and LIKE our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets, if you want to help us keep adding free woodworking plans.



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Kay B - 5:32 pm

Never left reply on anything. Also never built anything myself (being female). This look like just what I need to put under a large oak tree with hostas planted in it. Took a while to find this, but worth it.

Jack Sander - 5:52 pm

I’m sure you can build it and once started it you will keep building things for your home. Let me know if you have questions and don’t forget to share your result with us!

Heather - 10:28 pm

Hi. I am working on a project for a local state park. I am creating a proposal for a fundraising group. I need to include plans and cost of a planter box to put on a patio at the visitor center. I would like a box about 2 feet wide, two feet tall and about 4 or 5 feet long. Do you have any plans or easy eays I can modify this planter?
Thank you!!

Jack Sander - 9:25 am

You should use four 1x6s for the bottom of the planter. Cut the side slats at 23 1/2″ and make it as long as you want. To make it about 2′ tall, you should use three layers of slats. Make the legs 20″ so there is a 3 1/2″ clearance space between the ground and the bottom of the planter.

Ross - 2:21 pm

C – 1 piece of 2×6 lumber – 34 1/2″ long BOTTOM

For the BOTTOM slats, is that a typo? From the diagram, it looks like it should be 2 pieces for the bottom, i.e. “2 pieces of 1×6 lumber” rather than “1 piece of 2×6 lumber”. Is that correct, or am I understanding the directions wrong?

I will be building this without a saw so planning to have the hardware store cut the wood for me. Want to make sure I do not make a mistake…

Jack Sander - 5:34 pm

There was a typing error in the list. I have updated it.


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