Home Deck Simple Ground Level 8×8 Deck – Free DIY Plans

Simple Ground Level 8×8 Deck – Free DIY Plans

by Ovidiu
4 minutes read

This step by step diy article is about how to build a ground level deck from 2x4s. This deck is square and it is built almost entirely from 2x4s. This deck features a basic and an elegant design at the same time. You can build this deck in just a few days as a DIY project, because you don’t need a lot of materials or complex tools for the task. Please read the local building codes so you comply with the legal regulations.

Choosing the location for the free standing deck is difficult, as you have to comply with the local building codes and to place it as to enjoy your beautiful backyard. As we speak of a light construction, you don’t have to build a concrete slab foundation, but dig several holes, install tube forms and pour concrete. These footings have to be perfectly aligned and level, otherwise the deck won’t have a professional look. See all my Premium Plans HERE.



Made from this plan




Simple 8x8 free standing deck plans



Building a 8×8 simple deck

Building a 8x8 deck

Building a 8×8 deck



  • A – 2 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 8 ft long, 9 pieces – 93″ long DECK FRAME
  • B – 27 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 96″ long DECKING
  • C – 4 pieces of 1×2 lumber – 97 1/2″ long TRIMS
  • D – 12 pieces of concrete deck blocks DECK BLOCKS

  • 38 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 8 ft
  • 4 pieces of 1×2 lumber – 10 ft
  • 3 1/2″ screws
  • 2 1/2″ deck screws
  • 2″ nails
  • deck stain
  • 12 pieces of concrete deck blocks


  • Safety gloves, glasses
  • Circular saw, chalk line
  • Hammer, spirit level, carpentry pencil


  • One weekend



Ground Level 8×8 Deck – Free DIY Plans

Floor for deck

Floor for deck

The first step of the project is to build the frame for the ground level deck. Cut the components for the deck as shown in the diagram and level them on a level surface. Drill pilot holes through the rim joists and insert 3 1/2″ screws into the perpendicular components. Place the joists every 12″ on center. Make sure the corners are square.

Fitting the deck piers

Fitting the deck piers

Determine the location for the deck and remove the vegetation layer. Compact the soil, level it and then spread a 2-4″ layer of gravel. Fit the concrete piers and use a straight edge and a spirit level to make sure everything is aligned properly and horizontal. Fit the frame to the piers, as shown in the diagram.

Fitting the decking boards

Fitting the decking boards

Fit the decking boards to the top of the frame. Place the boards equally spaced by fitting a piece of 1/16″ plywood between them. Align the boards at both ends and drill pilot holes. Insert 2 1/2″ screws to lock the boards to the frame.

Fitting the trims to the deck

Fitting the trims to the deck

We need to attach the 1×2 trims on 4 sides of the deck, so you cover the deck board ends and make the project pop. Cut both ends of the trims at 45 degree cuts. Align the edges flush and use 2″ nails to secure them into place tightly.

8x8 deck

8×8 deck

Last but not least, you need to take care of the finishing touches. Fill the holes with wood putty and smooth the surface with 120-220 grit sandpaper. Apply a few coats of stain over the components to protect them from the elements and to enhance the look of the deck.

Deck made from 2x4s Plans

Deck made from 2x4s Plans


How to build a 8x8 deck from 2x4s

How to build a 8×8 deck from 2x4s

This is a simple deck so you can create a nice relaxation area in your yard. This deck is sturdy, easy to build and you can get the job done with a small budget. This is designed to work as a ground level deck, that is why the frame is built from 2x4s.



Thank you for reading our article about how to build a simple 8×8 deck on the ground and we recommend you to check out the rest of our projects. Don’t forget to share our articles with your friends, by using the social media widgets.

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