This article is about how to install a closet rod. Installing a closet rod is a must have in any home as you will save a lot of space, by organizing…
Jack Sander
This article is about how to pour a foundation. Generally speaking, the foundation is the most important element when building a house, as it will support the weight of the…
How to build a concrete ceiling
by Jack Sander
by Jack Sander
14 minutes read
This article is about how to build a concrete ceiling. Pouring a concrete ceiling is not a common technique in United States, but is used on a large scale in…
This article is about how to build a formwork for the foundation of a house, a garage or other constructions, but you can also use these techniques to pour large spans…
FoundationMasonry WorkStructure
How to dig a foundation
by Jack Sander
by Jack Sander
12 minutes read
This article is about how to dig a foundation for a house, deck or any other construction. Digging a foundation is essential for the rigidity and durability of your construction on…